AMBASSADOR: An ambassador is an official representative for his or her country.
The criteria for Ambassador of the Week for Grade 9A are as follows:
- Uniform - Your uniform is to be neat and correct (no unregulated earrings, only medical aid bracelets are allowed, no makeup, no unruly hair or hair that hangs in the face, grey school socks, only blue/black hair ties, etc...). You know the Code of Conduct by now!
- Behaviour - Your behaviour has to be impeccable, by all accounts from any teacher...this includes not only behaving like the model student in the classroom, but outside of it as well.
- Helpfulness - You should be friendly and helpful to all class members, greet all staff with respect and offer to help in any way (for example, carry books, clean the board, etc).
- Homework - Homework must be completed and to a commendable standard - you will be immediately become ineligible if you are given defaulters or sent out of class.
- Presence - You must be at school 5 out of 5 days of the week, and be present in and punctual to every class. If you are absent, you need to show the class that you have caught up with all of the work during your absence.
The nominees for Ambassador for the Week with be presented to the class on Fridays in registration period, upon which the class will decide on an Ambassador for the following week, with the input from other teachers.
A list of all Ambassadors will be kept whereby a prize for the top Ambassador for Grade 9 will be revealed at the end of the year.
Let us keep Grade 9A's flag up high!
Ms Anley
First Ambassador of the Week: 13/8/2012 - TAUFEEQ MATTHEWS - Exemplary social service contribution.
31/8/2012 - IMAN JENEKER - Exceptional academic commitment and improvement.
For his wonderful commitment to making the Mini-World a huge success and general stellar behaviour and effort made in several classes, the Ambassador of the Week, for two weeks running is:
7/09/2012 - DEVON MOOLMAN!
12/10/2012 - RAIYAANAH ESSA - Representing our class as the Top Junior Netball Player of the Tournament! Well done Raiyaanah!
26/10/2012 -LERATO PUDUMO - Coordinating a successful Santa Shoebox drive.
2/10/2012 - AYESHA SOLOMON - Tutoring for exam study group
Ambassador of 2012: JAY-DEE COLLINS - For consistently representing Grade9A in academics, dancing and general smiling 'fantasticness'!
Well done!
First Ambassador of the Week: 13/8/2012 - TAUFEEQ MATTHEWS - Exemplary social service contribution.
31/8/2012 - IMAN JENEKER - Exceptional academic commitment and improvement.
For his wonderful commitment to making the Mini-World a huge success and general stellar behaviour and effort made in several classes, the Ambassador of the Week, for two weeks running is:
7/09/2012 - DEVON MOOLMAN!
12/10/2012 - RAIYAANAH ESSA - Representing our class as the Top Junior Netball Player of the Tournament! Well done Raiyaanah!
26/10/2012 -LERATO PUDUMO - Coordinating a successful Santa Shoebox drive.
2/10/2012 - AYESHA SOLOMON - Tutoring for exam study group
Ambassador of 2012: JAY-DEE COLLINS - For consistently representing Grade9A in academics, dancing and general smiling 'fantasticness'!
Well done!